Friday, May 2, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Review ***SPOILERS AHEAD***

It was a dark and breezy evening. 10:30pm to be exact. I entered the movie theater and stood in line to see the much anticipated new Spider-Man movie for the 11:40pm showing yesterday. There was a nice little line already formed. As I stood in line I could over hear the people talking about how this movie was going to be great. Everyone seemed to be excited about it, but me. I had very low expectations coming into this. Don't get me wrong, I was anxious to see it. I was hoping the movie would prove me wrong. But after 3 hours in the theater I walked out of there feeling the same way as when I walked in...ehhh. Marc Webb's second installment of his new Spider-Man reboot didn't quite quench my thirst. Here's what I liked, didn't like, and really didn't like in this weeks.. the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

The Good - I really liked how the actors were really into this movie. It really looked like they enjoyed playing their roles which kept my attention. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone really have a great chemistry together. And the supporting actors really held their own. The movie had really cool Easter egg moments which I enjoyed. ***SPOILER ALERT*** The very quick mention of Venom was pretty exciting and of course the ending was cool. We are given the introduction to the Sinister Six. I can't wait to see how they bring that to life in future movies.

The Bad - This felt a lot like a comic book movie inside a romance chick-flick. Like what the hell?! I came to see Spider-Man kick some ass and it felt like most the movie, he was trying to get some ass. I get Gwen Stacy is his love interest but come on, let's move it along now. The movie was very campy as well. Almost like the infamous Batman and Robin movie. Also with numerous villains the story felt lost in it all. You had Electro, Harry Osborne and Rhino it felt all mushed together. I would have liked to see a better story of Harry Osborne and his transition into the Green Goblin. 

The Ugly - Can someone get Peter Parker a freakin' tissue! This guy was crying all the time!! When he's with Gwen, when he's with Aunt May, when he's alone in his room. Damn, it was a tear fest. I'd like to see Peter Parker with a little bit of back bone. Hopefully he can grow some balls in the next movie and become a tough guy.

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