Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Is Fantastic Four/X-Men Crossover Already Shot Down?

In a recenet discussion writer for X-Men: Days of Future Past, Simon Kinberg, who is also the write for the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot isn't so sure that crossing the universes is a good move, though he would still love to see it happen.  Kinberg, who is also writing/producing X-Men: Apocolypse, had this to say:

The Fantastic Four live in a world where they are fantastic because they are the only people who have super powers. If they were to live in a world full of mutants, they would kind of just be four more mutants. In the X-Men movies, we have never acknowledged a public team of superheroes called the Fantastic Four who live in New York City, even though Charles’ mansion is in Westchester, not so far form the city.

I think after reading that I could agree with most other comic book enthusiasts opinion, in that, "WHAT?!". The X-Men have their special abilities because they were born with them, and the Fantastic Four were the good 'ol fashion science accidents.  X-Men were mutants that were born "special" and have since been seen as more of a danger as oppose to the Fantastic Four were sometimes seen as dangerous but more often heroes.  I couldn't agree with Kinberg on his point on not crossing these two worlds.  Though unfortuantely it wouldn't really be up to me see these paths cross in the future, I can opnly hope.  What are your thoughts on mixing the teams?  Do you think Kinberg is right?  Am I wrong? Let us know!

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